Build on eCashBuild on eCashBuild on eCash
Become a pioneer in the eCash frontier economy. The eCash network's unique capabilities enable business models impossible anywhere else. Micropayments, novel tokenomics and on-chain trading — we're in uncharted territory.
The UTXO model of eCash gives it compelling advantages over other blockchains with account-based systems. Anyone can create scalable and performant products with high transaction throughput and low fees. The Avalanche consensus system ensures fast transaction finality, simplifying the user experience and enabling apps built on eCash to be snappy and responsive.
The eCash AdvantageThe eCash AdvantageThe eCash Advantage
The eCash blockchain is instantly accessible to app developers with simple, powerful, open-source libraries. Developers can build feature-dense apps that send and receive money instantly. Rapid prototyping is a key strength of the eCash network and its dev tools — MVP apps can be built and deployed in minutes.
Contribution guide
Learn more about contributing to the Bitcoin ABC repository
Source Code
Source Code for eCash Software from Bitcoin ABC - Including the Full Node, Electrum ABC wallet, and Cashtab Wallet
Bitcoin ABC Releases
Ready-to-run Binaries for the Bitcoin ABC Full Node
Chronik indexer
Chronik is a fast and reliable indexer built into the Bitcoin ABC node software
Interact with the eCash blockchain through the chronik indexer
Full-featured eCash-native transaction building library
Tools for working with eCash addresses
Cashtab codebase
Public repo for the Cashtab wallet
Bitcoin ABC
Documentation for the Bitcoin ABC Full Node Software
Documentation for the Chronik Indexer